Grand Theft Auto V GTA 5 (Xbox One rabljeno)

CenaRedna cenaPrihranekZaloga
Akcija velja od 20.05.2024 do 26.05.2024 (še samo 6 dni), ali do razprodaje zalog.
  • Kakšen je strošek dostave?
    Strošek dostave znaša 4€ za naročila z maso do pol kilograma in 6€ za naročila z maso nad pol kilograma.
    Strošek dostave je enoten za celotno Slovenijo. Vsi naši paketi so zavarovani.

    V primeru osebnega prevzema ni stroškov obdelave.
  • Kje je možen osebni prevzem?
    Osebni prevzem je možen na prevzemnih mestih

    v Ljubljani, Šmartinska cesta 102 (Mercator Hipermarket)

    v Mariboru, Ob Ribniku 24 (v bližini Pohorske kavarne)

    Na prevzemnih mestih LJ in MB je urejeno brezplačno parkiranje.
  • Kako plačam?
    Pri osebnem prevzemu imate možnost plačila z gotovino, po predračunu ali s plačilnimi karticami (Maestro, Mastercard, Visa, Diners, American Express, Karanta) je možno na vseh prevzemnih mestih.

    Pri dostavi na dom imate možnost plačila z gotovino ob prevzemu, z bančnim nakazilom na naš račun ali s plačilno kartico.

    Plačilo na obroke je možno s plačilnimi karticami NLB MasterCard, NLB Visa, NLB Karanta, Diners, American Express in ostalimi, ki to omogočajo (prejmete SMS za izbiro obrokov).
  • Ali lahko izdelek dobim takoj?
    Lahko. Ker smo spletna trgovina, je potrebno oddati spletno naročilo. V kolikor je izdelek na zalogi v izbranem prevzemnem mestu, ga lahko še isti dan prevzamete.
    Prosimo, da zalogo pred tem preverite po telefonu ali počakate, da vas obvestimo, ko je vaše naročilo pripravljeno za prevzem.

    Če je izdelek na spletni strani označen, da je na zalogi, pomeni, da je na zalogi v vsaj eni poslovni enoti, ni pa nujno, da je v vseh.

Igra je rabljena!

    The biggest, most dynamic and most diverse open world ever created and now packed with layers of new detail.
    Grand Theft Auto V blends storytelling and gameplay in new ways as players repeatedly jump in and out of the lives of the game's three lead characters, playing all sides of the game's interwoven story.
    Grand Theft Auto V also comes with Grand Theft Auto Online, the dynamic and ever-evolving Grand Theft Auto universe for multiple players. With the expansive game world and fluid mechanics of Grand Theft Auto V as a foundation, Grand Theft Auto Online expands and evolves with regular content updates created by Rockstar Games and the Grand Theft Auto community.
    When a young street hustler, a retired bank robber and a terrifying psychopath find themselves entangled with some of the most frightening and deranged elements of the criminal underworld, the U.S. government and the entertainment industry, they must pull off a series of dangerous heists to survive in a ruthless city in which they can trust nobody, least of all each other.
    With assistance from characters from the story of Grand Theft Auto V, players rise through the criminal ranks by banding together with friends to complete Jobs for cash, purchase properties, vehicles and character upgrades, compete in traditional competitive modes such as Deathmatches or Races by land, air or sea, or create your own content to play and share with the Grand Theft Auto community.
